The importance of the Andros Island for the biodiversity is reflected by the fact that it has three Natura 2000 sites:
- Special Protection Area (SPA): “Andros: Kentriko kai Notio Tmima, Gyro Nisides kai Paraktia Thalassia Zoni” (GR4220028),
- Special area of Conservation (SAC): “Andros: Ormos Vitali kai Kentrikos Oreinos Ogkos (GR4220001)”, and
- Site of Community Interest (pSCI): “Thalassia Zoni Androu” (GR4220035)
The latter was designated at the end of 2017 (Joint Ministerial Decision 50743/2017 – Gov. Gazzette 4432/B/15-12-2017).
The project area includes the entire area of the SPA GR4220028 and the SAC GR4220001 and also partly overlaps with the newly designated pSCI GR4220035, covering 40% (152 km2) of the Andros island terrestrial area and extending 70 km2 into the surrounding marine area.